The food waste grinder is indispensable in any modern kitchen.
The convenience of disposing of food waste has never been so hygienically easy and environmentally sound.
InSinkErator has been the market leader in food waste crushers in America since 1928 and has sold more than 100 million units worldwide. The food waste grinder is a grinding machine that is installed under the sink of your kitchen. From now on, you can safely scrape all your food residues in the sink and put them in the food residue grinder. The food residues are ground up and discharged into the sewer in an environmentally friendly way. With a food waste grinder, you no longer have any problems with smelly odours, bacteria and insects in your kitchen.
Which food grinder fits your household best?
Where do your ground food scraps actually go?
And how does a food grinder help to reduce CO2 and create a better world?